Department of companies
Approvals Office
The regulations set by the insurance companies require a lot of times to get approvals by insurance companies to perform the service.
So the Halle Hospital bin Laden set up a special office medical approvals and equipped by the latest electronic devices and high-speed internet belted automatically with dedicated hospital administration Computer System Office works around the clock in patients belonging to the insurance companies, the service will transmit and receive approvals and converted directly on the computer system so as to ensure the arrival of approval from the insurance company of the patient in the shortest time possible and that in order to provide the best and highest level of service to this segment of the community
Medical signings
The hospital is making every effort to contract with medical competencies around the world to support the team at the hospital personnel with experience and efficiency.
For the sake of diversity, the hospital is making every effort in order to choose the best qualified of items in all medical and administrative areas, support services and nursing even be worthy of the confidence we have gained Barzaikm about our services.
Department of companies staff :-
Dr- Adel elserhi--
General Doctor
MR- mohammed farouk--
responsible official approvals
MR- molhem shamaa--
Accountant Department companies
MR- Ahmed harfoush--
Accountant Department companies
Department of companies :-