Stop Smoking
Stop Smoking
In this article, we present to you Dear Reader, eight effective ways to quit smoking. If you are able to follow you will be able to control your life and your health better:
Here's roads:
1-Repeat yourself with the phrase "If you stopped smoking now, I will live a longer life."
Here's a simple but important fact: the enormous body's ability to heal itself. For example, after 15 years of quitting smoking, the smoker person will be able to return to its natural state as someone who did not smoke at all! Men and smokers who quit smoking on their age ranges from 35-39 years old, they add to almost five years of age. Women smokers Vidven to almost three years of age. It is worth mentioning that these years are just approximations years and not accurate, there are people who live far from three to five years or a longer period..
2-Make some research
Knowledge is power, and knowledge is light, and the correct information that will lead you to freedom from smoking habit can. There are plenty of excellent books available now in the market and discussed the dangers of smoking and how to quit. Why not try a simple online and find some books that talk about smoking and are directly related to your circumstances and your personality. Read the information obtained and think carefully about the matter and place the information that I read in progress. Philosopher Thomas Fuller said: "The work is appropriate fruit for science and knowledge..
3- Enrich your personal motivation to quit smoking.
Despite all the scientific evidence about the dangers of smoking, but most of the people who stop him doing it very personal reasons! One of them may take off from smoking because it witnessed the death of one of his relatives because of lung cancer. Lady has quit smoking because they are pregnant and concerned about the health of her unborn child. Someone else has quit smoking because he suffers from heart disease. For this it is necessary to know your personal reasons to quit smoking, and that will be your drive to continue to try and take the difficulty of quitting smoking stage.
4- . Consult your doctor competent medical centers.
Select a date to go to the doctor to know your plan to quit smoking. Most doctors want to help you to quit smoking, and they can help you develop a program that works to meet the personal and medical needs special. Can also doctors that they may know the other alternatives for nicotine that can be used to dispense with him, such as nicotine patches, gum (Ban) of nicotine, and the spray of nicotine appear to be spraying specific amounts of steam nicotine to the inside of the mouth, in addition to cigarette Alaltkronah and other alternatives. Some of these alternatives do not need a medical consultation, but others of which require a prescription. Consult your doctor .
5- Enrich new and good habits instead of usually harmful smoking.
Support your step to quit smoking by adopting regular physical activity such as exercise. Many studies show that there is a clear link between exercise and success in quitting smoking. In one of these studies, the researchers track the progress made by the lady in 281 joint program to stop smoking. It was selected half of these women randomly to engage in regular sports activities, while women survivors have attended health lectures discuss the subject of smoking and its risks and ways to quit..
After the end of the study, it showed amazing results! Number Almqlat was smoking - from athletes who had had active, double the number who attended health lectures! In addition to this, it has lost women who have been engaged in sports CERP some weight, and acquired active and flexible. The researchers believe in the area of smoking cessation that the exercise would support significantly this step because they:
- Builds confidence and gives incentive.
- Reduce cravings for nicotine, especially in the first few weeks.
- Reduce stress and gives comfort and relaxation.
- Help in weight control - something that worries many who are thinking about quitting smoking.
6- Focused on the positive aspects.
Instead of thinking about a lot in the deprive you of smoking a cigarette, remind yourself how the greatness of your decision and your commitment to stop smoking. Instead of thinking about the taste of a cigarette, remind yourself of the taste of the food that began as a result Tsttam you stop smoking. Instead of sadness for what I lost, think of all the things that were not previously enjoyed because of smoking, for example: stop coughing, the smell of smoke-free breath, and your teeth whiter most.
7- Do not hesitate to pay some money in exchange for help.
Consultants offers some health and physiotherapists special courses to help people who want to quit smoking. The few amounts to be paid for these services you will greatly benefit and health. Do not skimp on your health, my dear smoker. The money you spend to quit smoking is one of the best investments you can do.
8- Plan ahead to deal with the pressures of abstinence.
Overcoming the smoking habit is not easy. We are prepared to deal with the pressures resulting from this by doing some presets. Here are some guidelines:
- Do not convince yourself back to smoking again. When you find yourself a reason to make you smoking a cigarette or taking one breath, Prevent yourself. Think about why your payment so the thought of another way to deal with it. For example, if you feel nervous and feel that you need to smoke a cigarette, you can line a bit to calm down instead of smoking a cigarette.
- Be prepared to face the times when I used to smoke where it will face a strong desire to smoke during. These times are not easy, and will require resolve and determination from your side so you can control it, rather than be controlled are you.
- Changing habits. Instead of smoking a cigarette after dinner, go out to conform. When you go to a restaurant, ask them to sit in the non-smoking section.
- Spend time with non-smokers and ask them to be supportive and supportive to you.