Mineral water
Mineral water
Mineral water containing sulfur compounds or sulfate or bicarbonate or others, and made famous for treatment of certain diseases even talked to any of those topics, we find a lot of exciting and really amazing information .
Of uses that would advise them are:
1- On patients with kidney stones drink more water 4-6 liters per day, and also patients with infections of the kidneys and urinary tract, once the focus of urine when lack of water starts colic stones or infections, and the water flow helps to get rid of small stones moving, but reduce water taken into account as guidance doctor for patients who have kidney failure in work .
2- Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach and be at room temperature to body temperature of any of 27-37 ° C, even slightly increased quite a bit but I do not prefer to drink cold or very hot water on an empty stomach .
3- Drink water half an hour before meals especially for those who suffer from high weight, and this water does not alleviate weight, but it helps to clean the blood circulation before eating and also reduce the appetite to avoid eating food many .
4- Drink water throughout the day before feeling thirsty to drink water in the sense be a daily habit, not when the body asks .
5- Drink other liquids do not sing about drinking water, for example, drinking coffee, tea or soft drinks provide water for the body but for the simple then lose that water from the cells due to the presence of sugar or caffeine in those drinks, and for this we note that in the French culture and now Bank provides water with coffee because the caffeine in coffee pulls water from the cells and cause thirst and this has to be offset by water from the body, and this effect also applies to cocoa .
6- I would advise never to drink very cold water to Toterth negative effects on the stomach muscles and make them constrict, causing some pain .
7- Water source of care and to make sure safety and contains mineral elements balanced, there is no preferred water softener of those elements nor water that contains metals more than the recommended .
8- There are symptoms such as some types of simple headache or dizziness or feeling tired and apathy or repeat constipation or poor appetite may be caused by lack of water, for this I would advise those who suffer from these symptoms to begin to take water at room temperature before taking any painkillers or treatment, and if not removed these symptoms after hours can be a simple check with your doctor.
9- Drink water constantly has preventive effects of many of Nephrology, pebbles, some rheumatic problems and women who have problems with menstruation and some skin problems, Valepeshrh improved freshness to drink water constantly, the first apparently by improvement after drinking the water where no Taatrdob from abroad but Taatrdob after Troytha water from inside the body .
10- Water's role in stimulating blood circulation through the continuous use of water or eating a reasonably compact body massage .
11- Expansion in lukewarm water for ten minutes a day helps to relax, but if the water is cold it helps to open ethnic Almsmat and stimulate blood circulation, skin care, and found in some research that it helps to strengthen the immune against the cold diseases .
12- There is no doubt in the therapeutic effect of the water of Zamzam, which Soferd his page in the future, God willing, because of its importance and its specificity.